Hugh Grant tycker Rob är sexig
Hollywood actor Hugh Grant is a big fan of Twilight star Robert Pattinson and thinks the young British actor is “sexy”.
Grant understands why women of all ages fall for him, reported
“I haven’t watched the second part yet of Twilight, but I understand the fascination with Robert. I think he’s really sexy,” he said.
Grant understands why women of all ages fall for him, reported
“I haven’t watched the second part yet of Twilight, but I understand the fascination with Robert. I think he’s really sexy,” he said.
Ny film för Robert?
Det verkar som om Robert Pattinson är av intresse när Fox 2000 ska filmatisera Sara Gruen's novell "Water for Elephants". Stjärnor som redan skrivit på för Fox är bl.a. Reese Witherspoon och Sean Penn!
R-Patz deltar i telefoninsamling för Haiti
Det är nu bekräftat att Robert kommer vara med och källorna säger:
”We are in the process now of working out his participation from London.”
Om och när det kommer sändas så att vi kan se det ifrån Sverige så kommer det att postas här i bloggen.
Glöm inte att skänka en slant själv till förmån för Haiti, t.ex. genom röda korset.
R-Patz kommer ej att delta i Golden Globe Awards
Oavsett vad ryktena säger så kommer Robert Pattinson tyvärr inte att delta i the Golden Globe Awards.
Pattinson and Stewart “are not attending the Globes,” an organizer tells Gossip Cop.
We’ve also spoken with sources at Summit, who confirm that Pattinson and Stewart will NOT be at the studio’s after party. Sources at NBC, which is broadcasting the awards, also added that they had no knowledge of the two attending.
As reported elsewhere, “Twilight” actor Taylor Lautner will be at the event.
We’ve also spoken with sources at Summit, who confirm that Pattinson and Stewart will NOT be at the studio’s after party. Sources at NBC, which is broadcasting the awards, also added that they had no knowledge of the two attending.
As reported elsewhere, “Twilight” actor Taylor Lautner will be at the event.
Rachelle Lefevre pratar om Roberts hygien.
Rachelle Lefevre (som spelar Victoria i Twilight och New Moon) gästade en Australisk talk-show och pratade lite om ryktet gällande Robert Pattinson och hans hygien.
“It‘s been a year-and-a-half now and we’re still quashing the rumour that he doesn’t shower. He showers! Very early on when filming the first movie people stopped me in the street and said, ‘Does he shower?’ He does. He’s lovely, the same as he was when he first started filming. He loves his music. He plays with his hair. He gets uncomfortable sometimes. He’s very normal.”