Rob rekommenderar gärna musik!
Emilie de Ravin har i en intervju avslöjat att innehållet i hennes iPod, inklusive en viss "gangsta rap outfit", upptäckte hon tack vare RPatz:
What album would we be surprised to learn is in your collection?
N.W.A's Straight Outta Compton. I think [Remember Me costar] Rob Pattinson introduced me to them.
N.W.A's Straight Outta Compton. I think [Remember Me costar] Rob Pattinson introduced me to them.
Skivkontrakt med Simon Cowell?
Ett budkrig ska ha startat medan Robert ska vara tveksam med att skriva under för Simon;
“He is a bit wary of signing up with Cowell who is, of course, associated with ‘The X Factor’ and pop,” a source said as quoted by The Sun.
Enligt Gossip Cop är detta ryktet tyvärr inte sant.
Gossip Cop is “a bit wary” of the entire premise. While it’s true that Pattinson enjoys playing music – and that Cowell’s partner Simon Fuller is involved in Pattinson’s upcoming Bel Ami project – the actor’s focused on a skyrocketing film career. No one whom Gossip Cop asked about the Cowell rumors said anything to the contrary. So while it’s certainly possible Pattinson could one day put out a record, claims that talks with the X Factor impresario are happening and a deal imminent are off base.
Han släppte två låtar på soundtracket till Twilight och ett par låtar till How To Be. Skulle vara kul att höra ett helt album eller vad säger ni? Jag gillar hans hesa röst.