The 100 British celebrities who really matter
Rob är med på 'The 100 British celebrities who really matter by Piers Morgan'

6. Robert Pattinson
This is quite a simple one. Pattinson's the handsome young star of the Twilight films, beloved of teenage girls and other moody types. That fact makes him a nailed-down cert to be the most sought-after British movie star of 2010.
And that, in turn, makes him 'matter'. The only problem for Pattinson is that, as my grandmother always likes to say, 'One day you're the cock of the walk, the next you're a feather duster.' And nowhere is that more true than in good old Tinseltown. So I wish him well, but urge him to watch his back.
And not just because of the millions of girls all over the world who'd like to attach themselves to his shapely shoulders as a matter of urgency.
Age 23 Born London
Education Tower House (private); Harrodian School (private) Homes London; Vancouver
Bilder på waxdockorna
Här kommer lite mer bilder på Robs waxdockor :)

New York


New York

Roberts waxdocka
Som jag rapporterat tidigare så har det gjorts en vaxdocka á la Robert Pattinson som ska stå i waxmuséet i London och New York. Här kommer en exklusiv förhandstitt ifrån Entertainment Tonight inför invigningen av dockan.
Väldigt lik tycker jag även om det är ngt stramt runt haka och mun. Lite komiskt att de har lagt ner flera veckor på att styla och styla om håret för att få det helt perfekt, medan Rob själv aldrig gör ngt utan går ut med morgonrufs. Jag hade dock inte haft ngt emot att ha den stående i mitt sovrum! :) Vad tycker ni?
Väldigt lik tycker jag även om det är ngt stramt runt haka och mun. Lite komiskt att de har lagt ner flera veckor på att styla och styla om håret för att få det helt perfekt, medan Rob själv aldrig gör ngt utan går ut med morgonrufs. Jag hade dock inte haft ngt emot att ha den stående i mitt sovrum! :) Vad tycker ni?
Det verkar vara mycket krångel med bilderna.. jag hoppas att ni har lite tålamod med mig. Jag vet inte vad det är för fel och för er som använder Mozilla Firefox (eller ngt annat program där det krånglar) så kolla på bloggen/bilderna i Explorer. Där fungerar allt som det ska. :/
Rob twittrar till fansen :)
Rob nämns i Greek
Idag när jag såg det senaste avsnittet av en av mina favoritserier (Greek) så snackades det om Robert! :) Jag fnissade så högt att jag var tvungen att lägga in det här! (vid 1:05 and 1:50)
Hjälten Rob - roligt att denna spoof är på svenska!
Om ni inte visste det så släppte SF sina biljetter till förhandsvisningen av Remember Me som är den 10 Mars, alltså onsdag nästa vecka. För att få dessa biljetter måste ni antingen vara Guld- eller silvermedlemmar hos SF. :)
Vilket jag är, och jag införskaffade mig två biljetter idag!
Mumma! :D
Vilket jag är, och jag införskaffade mig två biljetter idag!
Mumma! :D
Jakten på Rob och Kstew
Kontentan av det som står nedan är att det finns en sida som erbjuder belöningar för de som lyckas få bilder på Rob och Kristen tillsammans, oavsett om de filmar, åker bil, myser, promemenar, är på en date eller går på vardera sidan av gatan. Alla bilder blir betalda!
Gossip Cop har reagerat starkt och gjort en markering att det INTE är okej med belöningar. Kändisarna ska inte bli jagade på det sättet! Okej om de kommer till ett event där det förväntas att bli fotograferade osv, men att jaga dem på det sättet är inte okej.
Jag håller verkligen med. Oavsett om de är megastjärnor nu så får det väl ändå vara nog. Man måste ju sätta gränser någonstans och detta är ju bara sjukt! Så knäppa är inte vi fans att vi vill utsätta dem för en jakt! Iaf inte jag. Hur känner ni? Är det så viktigt med bilder på våra idoler? Är det så viktigt att verkligen få det bekräftat om Rob dejtar Kristen eller inte? Vart drar vi våra gränser? Är det kanske dags att vi fans drar gränsen åt fotograferna och vägrar köpa tidningar mm där det finns såna foton?

Gossip Cop har reagerat starkt och gjort en markering att det INTE är okej med belöningar. Kändisarna ska inte bli jagade på det sättet! Okej om de kommer till ett event där det förväntas att bli fotograferade osv, men att jaga dem på det sättet är inte okej.
Jag håller verkligen med. Oavsett om de är megastjärnor nu så får det väl ändå vara nog. Man måste ju sätta gränser någonstans och detta är ju bara sjukt! Så knäppa är inte vi fans att vi vill utsätta dem för en jakt! Iaf inte jag. Hur känner ni? Är det så viktigt med bilder på våra idoler? Är det så viktigt att verkligen få det bekräftat om Rob dejtar Kristen eller inte? Vart drar vi våra gränser? Är det kanske dags att vi fans drar gränsen åt fotograferna och vägrar köpa tidningar mm där det finns såna foton?

By almost every measure, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart live charmed lives. They have successful film careers, adoring fans, youth, talent, wealth, and good health.
There is not much either one “needs.”
Except the same respect and decency afforded everyone else.
They don’t need bigger targets on their backs. They don’t need to be prey.
Which is what makes this just plain wrong.
Really wrong.
It’s an offer of money for a photograph of Pattinson and Stewart together in London.
The request to stay within the bounds of legality is immaterial. Offering cash for invasion of privacy is just plan wrong.
It doesn’t matter whether Pattinson and Stewart are “getting cozy” or miles apart, dating or not dating, filming or not filming, in London or New York or Los Angeles or Vancouver.
It’s wrong.
This isn’t good-natured celebrity worship. It isn’t crowd-sourced journalism. This is not a fun little “mission,” as the site puts it. It isn’t “happy snapping.”
It’s harassment.
We get it. A person who derives his or her privilege from celebrity will have to make certain concessions. Red carpets, photo shoots, talk show appearances… these are all part of the deal.
Bounties are not.
We have nothing against Showbiz Spy. It isn’t the first outlet to make this type of offer. It won’t be the last.
But at some point, enough is enough.
Gossip Cop has a lot of visitors who care about Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, and many who do not. There are those interested in whether they date, and there are those who care only about their films.
But the overwhelming majority agree: Hunting them down — hunting anyone down — is wrong.
If you want to be vocal, be as clear as you have been in the past. But don’t flood the site with vitriol and ugliness.
You can be passionate but also respectful at the same time.
The sooner media outlets understand that most fans think celebrities deserve the same treatment as the person next to them, the faster we can undermine “prey for pay.”
Rob delar ut pris i BAFTAs på söndag
BAFTA: Home of the British Academy of Film and Television Arts
"British Academy of Film and Television Arts", eller The BAFTA Awards, kommer att visas på söndag den 21 februari. Den visas på BBC1 och BBC3 samt för oss i Sverige på kanalen
Återkommer om det visas i Sverige.
Denna månadens Cosmopolitans "Stud Meter"
"Our R-Patz make-out fantasies cooled (just a little) after he called his hygiene disgusting."
Äsch, lite skit rensar magen. Eller vad säger ni?
SpiderRob - Spoof
Som ni kanske har hört så ryktades det länge om att Rob skulle castas som Peter Parker i de nya Spiderman-filmerna som är på gång om något år. Detta visade sig vara falskt och pga alla rykten som florerar har någon bestämt sig för att göra denna spoof. Inte riktiga Rob, men ni kanske gillar den ändå :)
Pierce Brosnan pratar om Robs kändisskap
Vanity Fair's List of Hollywood's Top 40 Money Makers
Robert Pattinson kom med på plats 35, och KStew på plats 37.
1. Michael Bay, producer-director ($125 million)
2. Steven Spielberg, producer-director ($85 million)
3. Roland Emmerich, producer-director ($70 million)
4. James Cameron, producer-director ($50 million)
5. Todd Phillips, director ($44 million)
6. Daniel Radcliffe, actor ($41 million)
7. Ben Stiller, actor ($40 million)
8. Tom Hanks, actor ($36 million)
9. J. J. Abrams, producer-director ($36 million)
10. Jerry Bruckheimer, producer ($35.5 million)
11. Tyler Perry, actor-director-producer ($32.5 million)
12. Adam Sandler, actor-producer ($31.5 million)
13. Denzel Washington, actor ($31 million)
14. Emma Watson, actor ($30 million)
15. Rupert Grint, actor ($30 million)
16. Owen Wilson, actor ($29 million)
17. Nicolas Cage, actor ($28 million)
18. Russell Crowe, actor ($28 million)
19. Cameron Diaz, actor ($27 million)
20. Brian Grazer, producer, and Ron Howard, director-producer ($25.5 million)
21. Johnny Depp, actor ($25 million)
22. Steve Carell, actor ($25 million)
23. Robert De Niro, actor ($24.5 million)
24. Sarah Jessica Parker, actor ($24 million)
25. Katherine Heigl, actor ($24 million)
26. Shawn Levy, director-producer ($23 million)
27. Oren Peli and Jason Blum, writer-director-producers ($22.5 million)
28. Robert Downey Jr., actor ($22 million)
29. George Clooney, actor ($22 million)
30. Matt Damon, actor ($22 million)
31. Reese Witherspoon, actor ($21 million)
32. Angelina Jolie, actor ($21 million)
33. Jennifer Aniston, actor ($20 million)
34. Sandra Bullock, actor ($20 million)
35. Robert Pattinson, actor ($18 million)
36. Clint Eastwood, actor-director-producer ($17 million)
37. Kristen Stewart, actor ($16 million)
38. Mark Wahlberg, actor ($16 million)
39. Shia LaBeouf, actor ($15 million)
40. Brad Pitt, actor ($13.5 million)
Rob skänker ännu mer till välgörenhet
Förutom pengarna han skänkte till Haiti så har Rob nu lagt till Maui’s Montessori Hale O Keiki till sin lista över välgörenheter.
RPatz har donerat signerade posters och en signerad Twilight-bok samt ett signerat inramat foto till Montessori Hale O Keiki’s årliga välgörenhetsgala, The Orchid Ball.
De signerade prylarna kommer att auktioneras ut fredagen den 5 februari i King Kamehameha Golf Clubhouse. Alla intäkter kommer att gå till skolans stipendiefond.
Detta är kanske en chans för oss fans att få en signerad pryl av RPatz? Ngn som ska till dit som vill lägga ett bud ifrån mig? ;)
Ny framsida till Fame: Robert Pattinson
Official press release text:
Millions know English actor Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen, the vampire with a conscience in the films Twilight and The Twilight Saga: New Moon, the fantasy/romance movies based on Stephenie Meyer's famous book series.
But there's more to Pattinson than fake fangs, faraway looks and tousled hair. Pattinson is an accomplished musician, a former model and an actor who's played both a wizard at Harry Potter's Hogwarts School and the artist Salvador Dali.
Bluewater Productions in May will ship FAME: Robert Pattinson to comic book shops and retailers across the country. This 32-page comic will trace Pattinson's career from his first performance in Tess of the D'Urbervilles at London's Barnes Theatre to his star turn in the Twilight movies.
Writer Kim Sherman said that she is eager to introduce fans to the many sides of Pattinson.
“I love having the ability to introduce high-profile people to readers through an unexpected medium that is both written and visual,” Sherman said. “These biography comics are designed to illustrate interesting tidbits to fans about their favorite figureheads, and inspire them to learn more. I chose to conceptualize A-lister Robert Pattinson from a unique perspective, immersing the reader into the life of the talented actor beyond his most famous role.”
Count interior artist Nathaniel Ooten as one reader who's gained a new appreciation for Pattinson's career since reading Sherman's script.
“Working on this book has opened an entirely new level of Rob Pattinson for me,” Ooten said. “Before starting, I was only aware of the 'teenage vampire' Pattinson. After reading the script, studying the subject and listening to his music, I not only became very interested in Pattinson's future work, but also discovered a new appreciation for this 'teenage vampire.'”
Bluewater president Darren G. Davis said that he expects Pattinson's biography to be as popular among Twilight fans as was the comic biography of writer Meyer, which Bluewater published in November of 2009. That particular biography has sold out of several printings.
“Twilight fans want to know everything about the talented people who have brought them the story of Edward and Bella,” Davis said. “I'm pleased to be able to bring them Robert Pattinson's story. It's our hope that even the most devoted fans will discover a fact or two that takes them completely by surprise.”
FAME: Robert Pattinson is part of Bluewater's much-publicized, and popular, line of biographical comics. The FAME series will also include comic biographies of Lady GaGa, 50 Cent, Tiger Woods and David Beckham. Bluewater Productions also publishes biographies of influential political figures such as Al Gore, Sarah Palin and Michelle Obama. Many of these comics, too, have sold out several printings.
Millions know English actor Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen, the vampire with a conscience in the films Twilight and The Twilight Saga: New Moon, the fantasy/romance movies based on Stephenie Meyer's famous book series.
But there's more to Pattinson than fake fangs, faraway looks and tousled hair. Pattinson is an accomplished musician, a former model and an actor who's played both a wizard at Harry Potter's Hogwarts School and the artist Salvador Dali.
Bluewater Productions in May will ship FAME: Robert Pattinson to comic book shops and retailers across the country. This 32-page comic will trace Pattinson's career from his first performance in Tess of the D'Urbervilles at London's Barnes Theatre to his star turn in the Twilight movies.
Writer Kim Sherman said that she is eager to introduce fans to the many sides of Pattinson.
“I love having the ability to introduce high-profile people to readers through an unexpected medium that is both written and visual,” Sherman said. “These biography comics are designed to illustrate interesting tidbits to fans about their favorite figureheads, and inspire them to learn more. I chose to conceptualize A-lister Robert Pattinson from a unique perspective, immersing the reader into the life of the talented actor beyond his most famous role.”
Count interior artist Nathaniel Ooten as one reader who's gained a new appreciation for Pattinson's career since reading Sherman's script.
“Working on this book has opened an entirely new level of Rob Pattinson for me,” Ooten said. “Before starting, I was only aware of the 'teenage vampire' Pattinson. After reading the script, studying the subject and listening to his music, I not only became very interested in Pattinson's future work, but also discovered a new appreciation for this 'teenage vampire.'”
Bluewater president Darren G. Davis said that he expects Pattinson's biography to be as popular among Twilight fans as was the comic biography of writer Meyer, which Bluewater published in November of 2009. That particular biography has sold out of several printings.
“Twilight fans want to know everything about the talented people who have brought them the story of Edward and Bella,” Davis said. “I'm pleased to be able to bring them Robert Pattinson's story. It's our hope that even the most devoted fans will discover a fact or two that takes them completely by surprise.”
FAME: Robert Pattinson is part of Bluewater's much-publicized, and popular, line of biographical comics. The FAME series will also include comic biographies of Lady GaGa, 50 Cent, Tiger Woods and David Beckham. Bluewater Productions also publishes biographies of influential political figures such as Al Gore, Sarah Palin and Michelle Obama. Many of these comics, too, have sold out several printings.
E! om bl a Robert Pattinson som seriefigur
E! pratar om Robert Pattinson's "Comic Book" & Twilight Graphic Novel.
Allen Coulter som är regissör till "Remember me"s regissör och manusförfattarne Will Fetters har nu skaffat Twitter! De har hittils twittrat detta:
Följ dem båda på AllenCoulterNYC och willfetters
Hello Twitter. I'm Allen Coulter, director of the film REMEMBER ME. I'm new here, so bear with me as I figure out how this works.
Watching this video of Rob reminds me of why I cast him.
hello citizens of twitter, i'm Will, i write screenplays that rarely become films, but one finally did, 'remember me', so... here we are
Watching this video of Rob reminds me of why I cast him.
hello citizens of twitter, i'm Will, i write screenplays that rarely become films, but one finally did, 'remember me', so... here we are
check out Rob touching his hair and talking about why he took the role of 'Tyler'...
saw a near final cut of 'RM' today. its better than i could've imagined or even dared to hope. never been prouder of anything in my life
Allen, Nick, Andy, Jonathan, Marcelo, Meredith, Erik, Trevor, Jenny, Rob, Em, Tate, Ruby, Lena, Pierce, Chris.... thank you
it'll take 100 tweets to thank everyone so i'll stop there for now, very emotional day for me, twitter seems inadequate but it's something.
saw a near final cut of 'RM' today. its better than i could've imagined or even dared to hope. never been prouder of anything in my life
Allen, Nick, Andy, Jonathan, Marcelo, Meredith, Erik, Trevor, Jenny, Rob, Em, Tate, Ruby, Lena, Pierce, Chris.... thank you
it'll take 100 tweets to thank everyone so i'll stop there for now, very emotional day for me, twitter seems inadequate but it's something.
Följ dem båda på AllenCoulterNYC och willfetters
För er som vill se Galan i natt så kommer den att sändas i natt kl 02:00 i Tv4, Kanal 5 och MTV, samt imorgon kväll kl 21:00 (MTV).
Robert kommer finnas med via satellit ifrån London. :)
Robert kommer finnas med via satellit ifrån London. :)